Dr. Niambi Carter, PH.D – Our Black Queen Biography

Dr. Niambi Carter earned her Ph.D. in Political Science from Duke University (2007) working primarily in the area of American Politics with a specific focus on Race and Ethnic Politics, Black Politics, Public Opinion, and Political Behavior. Her book, American While Black: African Americans, Immigration, and the Limits of Citizenship (Oxford University Press), investigates  African American public opinion on immigration will be published in 2019. Prof. Carter is also actively involved in other work that examines sanctuary cities, lynching and race in American politics, and the political ideology of African American Republicans. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Politics; Political Psychology; Politics, Groups, and Identities; the Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy; the DuBois Review; Politics and Gender; and many others. She is the recipient of a number of fellowships and awards from organizations such as the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, the Consortium for Faculty Diversity Predoctoral Fellowship (Denison University), and the Center for the Study of African American Politics (University of Rochester).  She is a native of Prince George’s County, Maryland.

Book: “Black Ethnics: A Conversation about Race Ethnicity & American Social Science” – by Dr. Niambi Carter, PH.D – This is available for Purchase at Amazon.com

Book Review and her own words:

The steady immigration of black populations from Africa and the Caribbean over the past few decades has fundamentally changed the racial, ethnic, and political landscape in the United States. But how will these “new blacks” behave politically in America? Using an original survey of New York City workers and multiple national data sources, Christina M. Greer explores the political significance of ethnicity for new immigrant and native-born blacks. In an age where racial and ethnic identities intersect, intertwine, and interact in increasingly complex ways, Black Ethnics offers a powerful and rigorous analysis of black politics and coalitions in the post-Civil Rights era.

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